Monday, May 22, 2006

Still on Vacation

OK, technically I've been back from vacation since Saturday, but as far as our little corner of the universe is concerned, the "Gone Fishing" sign is still up. I know, I know, it's odd that I had content when I was gone, but now that I'm back, I have nothing, however while I was gone I was cut off from all gaming news, and played nothing electronic other than a few games of Soduku. As a result, I have nothing game related to talk about. Amazingly enough, even though I was completely cut off from gaming sites, I still knew that the new X-Men movie tie-in game would suck ass. It's like I'm psychic or something.

Instead of me rambling on about nothing, instead I offer the superior writings of Bill Harris, of Dubious Quality Fame. He talks about E3 and the upcoming release calendar for the various platforms. He writes better, has more information and is generally more entertaining than me on my best day, so it would serve you well to read his stuff. I know that doesn't exactly give you a reason to come back and hear me blather on about games, but who else answers all of your lilac cow questions? Yeah, I thought so. See you Wednesday.


Ellie Creek Ellis said...

woohoo! no gaming comments! uhh, err....ummm....i mean....hi, welcome back. have a good vacation?

Mister Bones said...

I worried that the game would suck, but movie games almost always do. I'm more worried about the film itself though.

Booster MPS said...


Kojubat said...

Hope you waved as you totally ignored me while you were down in my backyard! ;)